Saturday, 22 February 2014

New beginnings....

It might only be February 22 but today is a beautiful spring day....

There is a beautiful clear blue sky, warm air, spring flowers and new growth on the shrubs.
Things have been a bit rough here for the last few months, but today feels like a great day for new beginnings and a fresh start.
So today I'm beginning a big clear out in the house, and tomorrow I'm starting up my sewing machine for the first time in a month.
It's time to come out of hibernation.....


  1. Coming out of hibernation sounds does the sewing! Not so sure about the big house clear out but when you're done can you come and bottom out mine?!

  2. Lovely pics. Hope everything gets off to a really good start for you as you emerge!

  3. I agree - out of the hibernation we come!! I'm cleaning the house too... it helps with the purge of the mind and soul. Can't wait to see you !!!!

  4. It's been a lovely day hasn't it. Enjoy your sewing tomorrow :-)

  5. Hmmm can I hibernate a little longer please, at least until half term is over. The small things are driving me around the flipping bend but I miss my sewing machine so much. Looking forward to seeing your new beginnings sewing projects!

  6. Yay to new beginnings! Hope the house clear up went as planbed

  7. Remember to do some stretching :-)


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